Field Fit – A different way to keep fit
Field Fit is a unique way to stay fit, with obstacle course racing, bootcamps and circuit training. James our production kitchen manager tells us all about how he's getting on!
February 20, 2019

Field   Fit

Apart from the odd frolic in the river during the summer, I haven’t done any real exercise for what I think is about 18 years (ish). After suffering from symptoms of old age and inactivity for many years I thought I’d better get off my bum and do something to stretch the old lungs.

I don’t fancy a gym, haven’t enough motivation to take myself out for a run – not that I enjoy running anyway, so I thought I’d give the OCR (obstacle course racing) training a go at Field Fit

It’s Tuesday evening and I’ve just got back fro an hour in the cold & wet, and I hurt, and I will probably hurt until my next session on Thursday. In fact the 2nd session I did was a Thursday, and I only stopped hurting Tuesday morning, just in time for my next session. My point is… it’s painful – I don’t remember pushing myself, or being pushed so hard, but, it’s incredibly rewarding, this is only my fourth session and I can feel the benefit already. Oh, and I sleep really well afterwards. 

It’s a friendly bunch, Jack (pictured above) the instructor knows his beans and it’s actually rather enjoyable in a perverse kind of way, so it would super good to have some more of you join us! He runs a few different types of sessions (not all OCR) over different days and caters for all levels so if you’re in need of a kick up the proverbial, come and have a go! 

More information on Field Fit can be found on their website: